Mid-week Spiritual Boost
Bowling outing
NLBC Churh Directory
With Deepest Sympathy
Any member that may have a question or concern is asked to email the church at info@newlightbaptistchurch.org. Rev. Bland or a member of the Executive Board will contact you once your email has been received.
All announcement notices to be included in the bulletin are to be sent to the church’s email no later than Wednesday, 12:00noon. Please include the term “Bulletin Announcement” in the subject line. See Dea. Rogers if you have any questions.
Take 10 minutes out of your day each Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. to connect with other members of the NLBC Family through prayer over the phone line. To participate, all you have to do is call (605) 313-4829 and use the Access Code: 102493#. It's that simple.
Let's celebrate Black History, by bringing out our ancestors recipes and come together for a Potluck Dinner on Sunday, February 23rd, following service. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall. For more information, see Sis. Claudette "Cookie" Bowman or any member of the Kitchen Ministry.
Calling all HBCU attendees and graduates. Want to get our upcoming youth and college attendees excited about the prospect of attending an HBCU? We are looking for your support to develop an HBCU day in the near future. Your ideas and support are much needed. If you attended or graduated from an HBCU please reach out to Deaconess Eileen Hopson, Deaconess Gail Scruggs, or Dr. Patricia Rascoe.
We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Deaconess Florence Jones in the passing of her daughter, Miranda Tyler and grandson Teon Tyler, and to Trustee Alton King in the passing of his sister Melvina Gray. Please keep these families in prayer during this difficult time.
The Dance Ministry will rehearse on the following Wednesdays, February 12th and 19th at 7:00 p.m. please contact Sis. Monique Jones for more information.
The Men's Ministry meeting has been rescheduled for Saturday, February 15th at 9:00 a.m. All men are encouraged to attend. Please contact Deacon Andy Johnson for more information.
The Strategic Planning Team will meet on Wednesday, February 19th at 6pm. All members that volunteered to be a part of the team are asked to attend. For more information, please see Rev. Bland.
The Security Ministry will meet on Saturday, February 22nd from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. All members that have signed up to be a part of this very important ministry are asked to attend. For more information, please see Rev. Bland.
Have you moved, had a name change, perhaps you have a new number or maybe you are a new member? NLBC, we will be doing a new church directory and we encourage EVERYONE to fill out the form that is located in the bulletin so that you will be included in the directory. This will also update the One Call Message system which keeps members informed on important church business/events. Please place the completed form in the box in the Fellowship Hall or return it to Sis. Pamela Thomas.
The Deacon’s Ministry is planning a bowling outing to Hanover Lanes in Mechanicsville on July19th at 4:00pm. We need 40 people to participate to get a good deal. Sign-up sheets will be in the Fellowship Hall on February 16th. Please come and fellowship with others and have some fun.
Please join the Women and the Youth Ministries as we travel to the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC on March 28th. The bus will depart from NLBC promptly at 8:00 a.m. to arrive at the museum by 10:00 a.m. for a two-hour self-guided tour. Appropriate movies and snacks will be provided on the bus and we will stop at Potomac Mills for lunch/shopping. The cost of this trip is $20 for adults, children will be free; however, we are asking for donations to defray the cost for our youth. Please sign-up today if you or your child is interested in attending. There are only 40 seats, so this is a first come first serve event. If you will not be attending the trip with your child, please let Rev Daniels, Sis. Tiffany Cambridge or Deaconess Dr. Ann Harris know that you will need a chaperone for your child.